Sunday, May 04, 2008

Tell Them Your Favorite Indy Moment - Win $100!

Another Great Contest For You to Win

Tell Us Your Favorite Indy Moment!

It's a series of movies that continues to offer thrills, fun and memories that simply will not stop. The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network is offering fans yet another great chance to win in the form of their "Favorite Indy Moment" Contest. In tandem with their upcoming Indiana Jones Feature Film Reviews visiting all four great films, we're asking YOU - the fans - what is YOUR favorite Indiana Jones moment?

Use our contact form here and tell us today what YOUR favorite moment is from the current 3 films, and we'll enter your name into a drawing to win $100 cash, as well as - an Indiana Jones Harrison Raider hat from UniformalWarehouse.Com!

Your Favorite Indy Moment!
Use our contact form here to tell us what your favorite movie moment from your favorite Indiana Jones movie was and we'll collect them all and make a random drawing on June 31st, to coincide with the launch of our Musician's Corner Contest here at The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network.

Simple Rules to Follow
- One Entry Per Day Per User
- Tell someone else about the contest
- Got a Website/Blog? (Not Required)
Using a Banner pointing to our contest on your website/blog nets you 2 entries!

It's all part of being an Indiana Jones fan and reveling in what is truly a lost art - creating a definitive cinema experience and reveling in being a fan of something great and it's ONLY from The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network!


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