Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Construction for Construction's Sake...

This morning while driving into work, I passed through another recently-completed intersection that is the centerpiece for one of the most recenty construction projects in our fine city. What I see are wider lanes, more traffic lights and one of the strangest things I've ever seen (look for a picture soon when I update this set): A giant high-tech pie-wedge cement median in the middle of what would have been re-claimed lane space for vehicles.

I understand the adding of lanes to each side of this main inlet/outlet for traffic.

I understand the replacement/relocation of stoplights and signage.

What I fail to understand is the insertion of this GIANT, impassable median in the middle of all this new lucious traffic-encouraging construction, that eats three lanes.

Obviously the picture will help immensely, however me stopping in the middle of the new intersection will not. ;) I'll get to lunch with a coworker sometime this week and get a picture of it.

What this also harkens to is the continual fad of creating a new theater, and then putting in what seems to be the most ridiculously small and ill-placed parking lot configuration next to it. We visited a new Gigantor 14-plex recently just a few minutes west of my house and for the life of me: I cannot figure out why they plan the way they do for this one or a variety of other theaters in our area.

What do YOU think?


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