Thursday, December 01, 2005

Half Home for Xmas - Follow-Up...

In a follow up to the recent adventure to a local Walmart, I was happy to see that a bit of the advice I'd provided was taken to heart. Now, instead of there being a post-vietnam vet era black Santa and a fully-functional white Santa, there is now a set of completely functional Santa's offering shoppers the opportunity to purchase the 5'8" icon of the holiday season.


Blogger Unknown said...

Which does beg the Santa really White or Black? Does it really matter? I don't know the answer to that. Very similar to the black Jesus I saw once when I was a kid. I was so confused as I thought Jesus was black...but then I grew up and understood neither Santa nor Jesus were real and that it didn't really's the spirit of the holiday that counts!

8:40 PM  

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