Friday, November 19, 2004

Captain -- There be Terrorists here!

Whether it be "Freedom Fighters", "people with dissenting opinion" or the now ever-present "insurgent" the terrorists that cut a swath of death through the Iraqi landscape are dwindling at an continual rate.

My reason for posting:

I've just read an article during my lunch hour that FINALLY calls the "Iraqi insurgents" what they are:


They aren't terrorizing Americans...
They aren't terrorizing the Iraqis...

They are terrorizing anyone that they can.

An offer of $3,000 (more money than can be made in a usual lifetime in Iraq) was being offered by a number of Sunni Clerics, in exchange for KILLING AN AMERICAN.

Now put your noggin around that one for a minute:

Whether you're an American serviceman, a civilian contractor, or a Red Cross worker there in Iraqi, clearly, you are being targeted.

Now spread that terror 100-fold for the people walking around trying to live out their lives in Iraq:

They don't make car bombs that only "blow up Americans". The range of destruction and potential fatality for a car bomb is at least hundreds of feet.

They don't make a machine gun that utilizes bullets that "only pierce American flesh". A rain of machine-gun fire is as random as rain in most cases, killing anyone that happens to be in its path.

Makes going to the local food store for goodies, or down the street to visit friends a bit raucous, doesn't it?

In any case, kudos to this USATODAY-posted article for finally calling a twisted spade a twisted spade.

Let freedom ring!


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