Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Voting Experience and the Bottom Line...

It's the day after Election Day here in Missouri and the nation has selected the leader that will continue to lead our country for the next 4 years. Our "going to vote" experience in general was uneventful and quick: We'd planned a total of two hours to get the job done, and we were done in less than 25 minutes. In, voted, out, and gone. We were politely asked as we left whom we'd voted for and were happy to provide the choice. A very good experience in general.

I am also happy to see that John Kerry elected to provide a gentlemanly call earlier in the day than sticking it out and going supernova as Al Gore did back in 2000. It's good to see a bit of class from the man, and in overall view, the Democratic party as their great white hope disappears into obscurity. The race itself was excellent, filled with days, soundbytes, and debates that really made not only people that were previously "educated" think, but made the people that weren't educated get information and make the all important trek to the polls. Kudos to everyone that took the time to vote and make a decision, regardless of which color you were trying to paint the country.

For those that were sure that the country would concave and erupt in revolt, I have sad news: Nothing like that happened. What I do envision in the very near future is that either a different set of gloves will be donned to take care of the war-situation, or they will come off completely to make a very solid and total victory-proposed vision finally come true - something that couldn't possibly be achieved during the later half of an election year.

Congratulations to George Bush on his win, and regardless of which way you "lean", jump in and make a difference to assist America. After all, isn't that the bottom line?


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