Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Secure in the Knowledge - A Tree Question...

A few months ago, a friend/customer of mine had surgery at a local medical facility. Rather than getting the usual flowers/crap that most give, I wanted to confirm that my friend was a cut above the rest - someone who would not falter no matter what the confrontation, hurdle or prospective bump in the road that is life. I sought out "trees" and - because clearly I couldn't take a full-sized tree into a hospital room I was looking for "baby" tress. I called each and every outfit locally looking for something small to take in and after looking for Bonsai trees and every imaginable "mini" tree, I defaulted to this morsel:

It was about half this size when I got it and had a card attached with it that said, "You sir, are an oak." Alas, all my intentions and shopping prowess were for naught - why? They wouldn't allow me to "take it inside the hospital." That's right. The guards stopped me at the reception desk and said I couldn't take it into the hospital. Are you kidding me with this? Since then, I've nursed this plant from "down-to-one-leaf" after leaving it in my car for almost 2 weeks, and it's grown to grand health and I'd like to keep it but - I've no idea what it is.

Do YOU know what this plant is and what I need to do to keep it alive for - as long as it will stay alive in proximity to my generally BLACK thumb? It's clearly growing out of its tiny base and I need to find a solution reasonably soon. Help me Blog Traffic Kenobi - you're my only hope!


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