Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Alpha Female Article...

Rarely do I read an article, that both engages me but repels me.

While checking Email this morning I got a link to this article from a friend I grew up with who is the man at the end of this article - the SECOND man for an "Apha Female" who loves his job, staying home with the kids, that he's been doing for going on 6 years after a life of being "another breadwinner" in his family.

What do YOU think about his article? Is she a thoughtless workaholic, or someone that needs something that she'll never really be able to find.

A couple of points that float to the top in the article:

-- "...almost a year since we'd made love." Huh? I guess it's because I have a completely different configuration in my marriage with my outstanding wife Gloria, but wow - I'm trying to think of the longest period of time we've ever "not made love" and if it ever approached a month, I'd be wondering what the hell is going on. That to me sounds like there's way more involved with making/finding time for the important things to stay healthy, than the husband being a loafing ass.

-- "...bringing a couple of glasses of wine and a book of poetry" as a prelude to lovemaking. If I may be so bold: While there are many times that it's great to "have the stage set" and be involved in a romantic-novel-esque situation when preparing to knocketh boots, it can't be that everytime. Seems to me that instead of her waiting to have the wine and book brought to the alter of "it's time to prepare for lovemaking" she should have thrown away the book, put the cork back in the white, and have some sit-down time with her "beta male" long before he ever gave up on their relationship. It's my opinion of course, but it's also my opinion that there shouldn't ever be a rift/toomuchwork/no time to not have sex with your wife, the mother of your children, the one who's "heart captured yours" for more than a year.

Read the article for yourself and be sure to chime back in here - I've love to hear what your perspectives are on something like this.

The Alpha Female:


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