Saturday, October 07, 2006

October Challenge - 07 -- Ode to the Chocolate Chip Cookie Guitar Stupor!

This time last year I was well into my 2nd month of an exercise program, and with the assistance of Maya, my virtual trainer, and eating controlled portions and some patience I managed to lose 40+ pounds taking me to a very comfortable 205. A very trying time as everyone knows about lifestyle changes, but one that I feel very satisfied with.

Last week my wife and I got home LATE after she was done and had stayed on late at work to collect some overtime and she had brought home a pack of "Sugar Free Tollhouse Cookies" and baked a dozen when we got home. Boy, who knew how satisfying 3 warm chocolate chip cookies and milk are after a rediculously long day at work! After downing the glass of milk and cookies I quickly fell asleep - a nice deep sleep...

I awoke to the form of a dark, sunglassed figure in my central cone of vision, clad all in black, who had a guitar and was playing this fantastic spanish guitar music! I know, you're thinking I've finally gone off the deeper end - Wrong!

It was a man named Esteban, who was hawking his "Esteban American Legacy Acoustic/Electric Guitar Package" on one of the umpteen informercials played at 4:30am on the weekends. I'm not sure if it was the production value of the informercial, the magic of the music he plays, or the residual influence of the hypnotizing Chocolate Chip Cookies and milk, but I immediately ordered the deal which will arrive in a short 7-10 days!

That's right! This year's challence will be to become at least proficient in playing the guitar, with the help of the new 22 piece Esteban American Legacy Acoustic/Electric Guitar Package that you can find out more about here.

Each page on the website plays a different song from his collection as well - very entertaining from the very spanish excitement stuff, to some very tame good thought-provoking music.

Do you play the guitar or another instrument? Do you have tips and tricks that will help me get a leg up on learning to play a solid "axe"? Send them to me at my Email address or just comment on them here! Look for pictures and updates soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I play the kazoo.


12:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I play a mean barritone horn, & violen. I dabbled in acoustic guitar. That was alot of fun as a kid age 7 but I never quite got the hang of it. Good luck on your new endeavour!

blackdawn out!

9:30 AM  

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