Sunday, April 30, 2006

Mayan Adventures - Follow Up...

Just before August last year, I enterted into a program of health and fitness with a virtual trainer, Maya, via a program called YourselfFitness I found featured online here, that I totally recommend. Not only am I recommending it (based on a total combined weight loss and cholesterol dropping in general), but now McDonalds is recommending it on all of their bags and via their website!

It's been a great program for me, and while I am nowhere near my 4 times a week planned schedule, Maya was able to give me what I needed for the time she and I had. Again, I totally recommend the YourselfFitness Progam - it is the flexible based-on-your-own-initiative program that many people need. When you factor in the online community nature that this program has taken, anyone that is online a bunch can benefit exponentially from it.

Enjoy and please tap me if you have questions!


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