Monday, June 06, 2005

Thunderous Applause and Questions...

I am, and have been a user of "Thunderbird", an Email program that provides me with something other than outlook or a web-based Email interface and I really do love it. Something else that it offers that I'm supremely happy that a friend of mine, Brian, told me about was the ability to "subscribe" to Blogs online that offer a "feed" - which Thunderbird can then "monitor" and call down newly provided content.

What does that mean for you? It means that rather than having to go through the rigamarole of remembering where, needing to log on, and go read the variety and ever-growing lists of Blogs or newsfeeds that I monitor -- I can now just open up my Email software and read to my hearts content.

I have 11 feeds being monitored currently (from movie news sites, to friends sites to digital camera blogs, to world news, etc) and they make reading the content I want much easier, time-effective and makes me love Thunderbird all the more.

If you're interested in learning more, check out the details of this feature inside of Thunderbird, and also remember that you can download Thunderbird here.

There are many more reasons to use it and I hope you choose to.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thunderbird 1.1 is also adding support for PodCasting, which is an advertising name for the distribution of audio/video content via RSS for off-line (or portable) use. For those already familiar with the concept, this makes accessing these streams much easier. For those not already familiar, maybe it will bring the term into more mainstream use.

1:54 PM  
Blogger Mike Wilkerson - 2GuysTalking said...

MMmm podcasting.

Something else to remember as well about podcasting that I remember seeing about a month ago, was that STARTREK.Com was issuing episode commentaries to the last three episodes of "STAR TREK: Enterprise". I think that's a NOVEL and great idea. I'm saddended that they hadn't done it sooner - they may have corraled a number of new watchers/listeners (me included!).

I've also noted that many radio shows online also now offer "podcasts" of their daily show, either in their "Members Only" sections (very popular) or portions of them to entice people to become full/paid members of their appreciate organizations.

Shows I've seen that include things like this are:

Glenn Beck: (Very funny, and "in-the-middle" talk radio station personality)

Sean Hannity: (who is basically a right-wing tool, but shrug - something to listen to)

and more.

Remember you can find the STARTREK.Com Podcasts here:

and be sure to look for many more Podcasting opportunities in the future. It's a rich and vibrant medium that will become more and more popular as the digital age continues to evolve.

3:57 PM  

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