The One Galaxy in St. Louis is Strong with the Force...
Greetings all!
We are waiting in line at one of St. Louis' newest threaters "the Galaxy, a very appropriately named place to view the midnite showing of "Revenge of the Sith".
The si(x)th installment, episode III makes its merry way to screens around the nation tonite and we are there.
We're in line and there's a dude named Matt that has crutches and a broken arm. I just asked one of the assistant managers if they have a chair the dude can have and they strangely -- have "no chairs in the theater." I walked about 25 feet over to where they have tables and metal chairs and procured one for him. Oy, people suck.
In anycase, there are many people from work here (15 or more) and its a great environment except for the sith-like presence of the workers here. What's the story here?? We waited about an hour (peanuts!! We waited 5+ hours and SWC#3!) and they've seated us! The screen is grand and I wonder exactly what the proportions are of this screen?
An hour and 30 minutes to screen time! Cheers!
--cptmike via sidekick
Mike that was definitely a very fun night. I can't believe no one at the theater could get the poor guy a chair...nor could I believe you couldn't get the guy to the front of the line...LOL...we'll have to try that "broken leg" trick next time.
The atmosphere at the theater was most electric...the force was strong that night. Everyone seemed to have a great time even before the movie started. It's sad to think this was the last of the Star Wars movies that we'll get to do the midnight showings.
I really enjoyed the movie and think it is right up there with Empire, although I'll have to see a few more dozen times so I'll get back to you. It was definitely what I was hoping for and I can't wait to see it again.
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