Monday, May 09, 2005

Blow by Blow Review: "24" April 25th, 2005

You never really know what kind of loop a convention as large and encompassing as "STAR WARS CELEBRATION" will knock you for, but I'm finally getting back into the groove of blogging and homelife and it's time to kick it into a particiularly high gear: The reason?

Only three weeks left to go until the "24" Finale.

I was thinking to myself this evening about having a party then to commemorate one of the best seasons of a show that has so many fans from so many differing viewpoints and I think it's something I'm going to do. I have some great thoughts about what to do and will be sure to write about them here and elsewhere.

Now without further ado, we delve into the:

Blow by Blow Review: "24" April 25th, 2005

-- I'll Have a Large Helping of Guards, Please: Prado, our resident Italian-American baddie for this season apparently, is sitting in a medical ward in CTU, enjoying the kind touch of a nurse, the care of a doctor and apparently something to drink according to a cup on tray in front of him. Let us remember who this man is: this is the man that just killed a man in cold blood, and is the only link to what is the most prolific terrorist force in our known history. Where are the guards to ensure that Prado doesn't do more bad things? Where are the restraints for this man? Am I the only person on the planet to note that this dangerous man is basically loose?

-- Jack's Resignation/Reinstatement Status: Audrey is swift to land verbal blows on both Jack and Buchanan about the violation of Prado's rights, yada, yada, yada. Jack doesn't say anything about the resignation submitted and accepted by Buchanan. Buchanan doesn't mention Jack's submitted and accepted resignation. While sure, it's a "loophole" it's the statement that would put her in place and allow everyone to move on. Why not tell her this?

-- Incompetence Takes a Bold New Step: I am certain that many people who have taken the time to complain about their "boss" can relate to the status of the recently installed President. Making decisions is never an easy thing and the Presiden't seat is surely a tough place to make those decisions. Still, the fact remains that decisions need to be made, quickly, efficiently and in the best interests of our nation. The current President's answer to all of the hullaballo? "Don't press me to make a decision I'm not ready to give -- I need more time!" Of all the people that should be using the knowledge, personnel and tools around them, the President of the United States is the one that should realize that it's time to take advantage of every suggestion and influence at this point.

-- Another "24"speak Revelation: I have been watching this show for four years now and it never ceases to amaze me how innovative the vocabulary is on this show. This weeks' note: "You have to stop insulating me from the details that are passed around in this scenario." How cool is that? "Insulating details!" Ha! That's a cool slogan, folks.

-- Noteworthy Imagery via Satellite: Apparently the folks monitoring the satellites during this particular crisis are taking a nap. Driving down the road is a two and a half ton white pickup truck, with 4 guys in the cab, four guys in the cargo bed, and a large, at least casket-sized rectangled container toodling down the country roads. While I can see a guy disappearing into the abyss of a city block or a small group of men into the expanse that is a city sewer system, I'm having trouble with this one.

-- Another Captioning Revelation: Inside this episode's closed captioning, we see "Iowa location" instead of the spoken "at the location" when we overhear one of the terrorists speaking over a telephone. Very interesting...

-- The Downfall of Girlfriends: Once again, those of the famale pursuassion cause the men of "24" more consternation. In this case, it's the grilfriend of one of the terrorists. When are we men going to learn not to latch on to women? :)

-- Insubordination a Bigger Deal Than a Loose Nuke? Audrey sure is on a high horse here. We have no I wonder if perhaps her chair were in say, or, rural Iowa or in one of the east coast target cities if she would still be so cavalier here. Millions of people dying is a much greater deal, as is the basic fact that terrorists could detonate a nuclear bomb in the states, than one man having a couple of broken fingers and a dinged head.

-- CPTMIKE Wipes His Eyes: Arrest Jack? I can't believe what I'm seeing: we're going to arrest the only dude that has the warm sack of nickels and skills to put Marwan in his rightful place and he's now sitting in the back of a Secret Service transport? Huh? How many other shows would interrupt the middle-of-the-play events of an episode with a Secret Service arrest?

-- The Tech of "24": Dare I be ahead of myself on this or do I feel a book coming out in the not too distant future entitled "The Tech of "24""? The technology on this show is so cool, folks. From the way they're able to track people via satellite, to the tracking devices, to the informational-tossing skills, the fun just never ends. Again, a testimate to the fabulous writing and the advisors being used with this fine show.

-- Twist, Twist! Those of you who are Flinstone fans will understand that I'm not talking about that diddy from Fred Flintstone, I'm talking about the direction that Jack is turning the screwdriver to open the ventalation ducts! He's turning in the wrong direction! "Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey!

-- An End to Ducts You Can Walk In: Whether it be the most recent Hollywood offering, or a Lifetime Movie of the week, are we all pretty much on the same page when we say that most ducts are pretty damn small. Thankfully, the writers have given Jack an uber-cool remote control vehicle to navigate the ductwork of this factory/dance club! Kudos!

-- Secret Service Senility: While I completely understand the "I was following orders" of the Secret Service in this episode, it just seems to me that the Secret Service agents just don't "get it" in general on how important apprehending this guy, and how their botching the mission set back CTU and our nation. SUTNNED!

-- "Lethal Logan": How is it that President Logan doesn't understand that him ordering the arrest of Jack Bauer wouldn't be "lethal" to the mission to apprehend Marwan? Earth to recently-installed executive officer of our nation!

-- One Man Making the Decisions? While it makes for excellent TV and the introduction of one of our all-time favorite characters, I still have to wonder: Why is this President needing to make decisions without the counsel/input/suggestion of others? Most decisions, as I understand them, are done by committee at the level we're talking about and not simply done by one man, so what's the story? Subordinates would provide him with a great deal of insight, viewpoint and most importantly: TIME, like the time that he says he needs to make the decision in general.

-- Brilliant Character Re-Introduction: The introduction of President Palmer this season is simply one of the best-executed character reveals I've ever seen in television. Solid, to-the-point smoothness that adds yet another reason to get your friends interested in THIS SHOW.

-- Instant Satisfaction: Take One Raw Secret Service Agent and a Slap: The obligatory apology to Jack in this episode is WAY weak. I'm not sure if it's the mechanical actor or if it's the way they wanted to pull off the scene, but good grief, folks: You've just blown the largest fugitive collection in man's history and the offering from him is just simply not satisfactory.

-- Candlestick, Pipe, What Else can We Come Up With? The sneering expression that Chloe provides when taking over Edgar's station makes me want to find several more way's to kill her: How many other shows succeed in creating a character you can hardly look at and want to find new and innovative ways to kill them?

-- Note to Good Sarmaritans: I am probably one of the most noteworthy good samaritans I've ever encountered. I know CPR, I try to make sure to get involved when wrongs are being done but let me tell you something: If I hear gunshots, screaming, crashing windows, and then crashing vehicles over and over outside my home, I'm calling a cop and lockin' the doors, y'all. Sadly the dude that makes his way outside and asks "What the hell is going on" gets a very poor and final reception.

-- The Shots Aren't Tequila: For someone that's a complete desk jockey, Chloe seems to pull off 22 shots, 14 of which are in the perceived "10 Ring" (a good hit) in this case. I'm amazed that the dude had a head left on his shoulders when he slumps out of the vehicle. AR-15's are a very destructive weapon and aren't friendly to portions of meat above the shoulders.


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