Blow by Blow Review: "24" February 21st, 2005
We're just passed the halfway point of this season show - it's heating up (literally) and as the temperature rises in the nuclear reactors across the nation, so does the quality of the show. Let's get to it.
Blow by Blow Review: "24" February 21st, 2005
-- The Review Stage: I have been watching episodic television for a very long time. There are few shows in this history of television that I have been witness too, that can summarize, in 35 seconds, almost the complete story arc. So much so, that someone that had seen NONE of this season of "24" would be instantly caught up as to what is going on currently. Kudos to the creators and to the editing geniuses on staff at "24".
-- Emotions on Hold for Driscoll? Erin is so adamant about ensuring that emotions are put on hold at this point, but what about pride? She and Curtis were, just an hour ago, busy trying to figure the best way to get their collective asses out of a sling. What does THAT have to do with ensuring the Nation's safety?
-- Curtis the Interrogator? Of all the people that are given the task of interrogating Maryanne, they pick CURTIS? The dude that's had at least a short term physical relationship with her and is the one solely-responsible for bringing her into the CTU wing? Does that strike anyone else as daft?
-- MMMmm Hypocrisy: Maryanne is quick to levy the moniker of "sick bastards" when it's learned that one of her compatriots has been killed - yet the meltdown and eventual deaths of millions of people doesn't put a dent in that mocha-dome of hers. Would you like a hush puppy or two with your hypocrisy, Maryanne?
-- Rule of (Severed) Thumb: Maryanne says that the only way for the information on the PC at the office of the dead dude is to use either his thumbprint or hers. How about lobbing off the dudes thumb, bringing it to the ident-pad at the office and accessing the information? That way, Maryanne, who is clearly a significant threat, but also a very real source of information isn't put into harms way and won't lead the rest of the team into a trap or offer her a chance to escape?
-- Alleeee-oooop! For those of you wondering if Jack was really upside down, let me assure you that he is. :) I am also amazed that it's taken this long for him to get a headset of some kind for the phone that he's using. Surely there is a vendor out there that would like product placement on the man that is going to save the United States from nuclear destruction!
-- Retract the Rig? After Jack lands safely back on terra fira in the laudry room, he gives the command to "retract the rig". Why? Is he afraid that Navi will use the rig to try and escape? Doesn't want it mistaken for a coat hanger by the laundry staff? Nope: He probably wanted to be heard, right? Right! How hard would it have been to just leave the rig? If navi gets passed Jack, I'd like to see him try and escape thru the entourage that is above operating the pulley system.
-- Recurring Proximity Issues: Clearly, I am not a CTU operative with years of military training, nor am I in the basement laundry facility with a real-life terrorist that holds the potential solution to 5 more nuclear reactors going hot. I do know, however, that you should never get as close to a potential assailant pointing a gun at them as Jack did not once, but twice in this episode. How about shooting Navi in the leg to disable him, and thereby causing an injury that can have pressure applied to help "extract" information? How about telling him to turn around? How about popping off a shot over his shoulder when he doesn't do it? I mean it's only 5 nuclear reactors going critical at this point, right?
-- No Wounding Navi? Twice in this sequence, Jack has the real opportunity to wond Navi and doesn't do it. Why? While I understand the storyline calls for Behrooz to kills the father that intended to have he and his mother killed.
-- You've Got to Know When to Fold 'Em: The broken deal with Dina when Behrooz is rescued should be an instant deal-breaker in my opinion. I have high hopes that the trust factor with he will be minimized after this. The next move should be to put pressure on Behrooz' life to get the needed information that Dina clearly (as per Navi's concerns) has.
-- Maryanne "May" Be a Sociopath? Let's just be clear - Maryanne IS a sociopath! Check out this great profile and listing of traits that are indicative of people being sociopathic and you'll see what I mean.
-- Sarah Gets Back in the Saddle: Kudos for being Sarah being able to get back in the game when her country needs her most.
-- Fuzzy Wuzzy with 5 Nuclear Reactors Ready to Topple: Can there be a little less fuzzy wuzzy with Maryanne and more attention to the task at hand? The nukes are going to wait for someone's groove to be gotten.
-- Cover? How About Some Vests? During the extraction of Jack, Behrooz, and Dina, they are out in the wide open - and very susceptible to bullets from a sniper's rifle, just like the dude two hours ago. I'm not sure I understand the lack of care being provided to the only link to information that could help to finally recover the override.
-- Entering the Warehouse: Jack and Tony enter into an area that SCREAMS boobytrap: I am amazed that not only do they find the powercord leading to the basement, but that any of that information is still there and available. For people that have had operatives in the country for 5 years+, I find it difficult to understand why such an evidence orgy would be made available at this point. More on that below.
-- Where is the Insertion Team? The LA Law Enforcement Authorities need to take a page from the book that Jack and Tony are reading. Jack and Tony arrive at the warehouse and are COMPLETELY ALONE. Perhaps a copy of the script should be sent to the drivers and commanders of the insertion teams?
-- Cognitive Cornucopia: Whenever a room like the one displayed in the basement of the warehouse, I instantly call it the "Beautiful Mind" room. Rooms like this are the ones where not only are there a variety of pictures, magazine articles, computer print outs and memos shown, but they are there IN ORDER :) A friend had said that this might be part of a diversionary tactic on the part of the terrorists, but I am not yet ready to swallow that one. The organization of the room is disturbing in two ways: 1.) Either the terrorists were very thorough about their plans and ready for every contingency, or 2.) The special effects team of the show wen't a little overboard on details. The next couple of hours in the show will help us understand which is which.
-- All Roads Lead to the Stuffy Brit: If you didn't have hatred for the stuffy Brit at this point, prepare yourself. All the registration-related documents for the warehouse are all pointing to HIM! That's right! The man that can't love the tasty Secretary Daughter is in on it - or is he? According to this weeks trailer, a chair, some duct tape and live wires from the base of a lamp, we're going to find out next episode.
-- Audrey is On Her Way! Why is it, that the next reunion of the Assault Teams of the Greater Los Angeles area is not being held in Room 408 of the Westmore? I find it HIGHLY implausible that the Secretary wouldn't order all remaining available resources there, if not the Secret Service. After what his daughter had experienced just hours ago, why would he not do something like this?
-- Tony's "I Don't Know" Comment: I'm not sure how I still feel about this. At first I thought that it's time to write off Tony if he can't pick between a life of unemployed listlessness or a great exciting time back at CTU. I mean, how often would THAT come up? I'm happy to see him come back however. I would have liked to see a different rolling in of a previous character.
-- Y'all Come Back Now, Y'hear? I am gleefully surprised with the welcoming arms of Erin Driscoll when Tony arrives. I thought surely there would be tension there.
-- $arah and Getting What's Owed: Even almost a week later, I still am unsure of my feelings for Sarah using the experience of being wrongly tortured to secure better financial gain. I get the record being expunged - no problem there, but there's something not quite right about the pay raise (two full grades).
-- Disgustingly Awkward But Engaging: Audrey's discussion with Paul is SICKENINGLY awkward, but guys: I'm on the edge of my seat. That is the essence of "24" and why everyone should give the show a shot for at least a couple of episodes.
-- CounterStrike Office Building: I play a network computer game called "CounterStrike" and in it is a map called "Office". In that office area terrorists with hostages. The Counter Terrorist Unit has to storm the building and save the hostages. Now, call me crazy, but doesn't that building and that setting SCREAM boobytrap? Why is it that they have so FEW people going to that place? There have to be more available people to go there.
-- Oh Yeah - Maryanne Dying: As I was ready to publish this issue, I almost forgot: Maryanne dies. :) A "third party" arrives at the office building, accosts her and Curtis, and puts a double tap to her chest. She tumbles over like a short redwood, and the storyline moves over. Strange how little emotion it solicited. I think that's another of "24"'s hallmarks: The ability to take what would normally be the moment they'd want to raise the tension and excitement and play it almost a "matter of fact."
Don't Stand So Close to Me: Again, as we tick out for this episode, I am AMAZED that Jack allows Paul to stand so close to him, even after being knocked on his ass by Navi less than an hour earlier.
The trailer for next week looks outstanding and I can't wait to see what's to come!
Blow by Blow Review: "24" February 21st, 2005
-- The Review Stage: I have been watching episodic television for a very long time. There are few shows in this history of television that I have been witness too, that can summarize, in 35 seconds, almost the complete story arc. So much so, that someone that had seen NONE of this season of "24" would be instantly caught up as to what is going on currently. Kudos to the creators and to the editing geniuses on staff at "24".
-- Emotions on Hold for Driscoll? Erin is so adamant about ensuring that emotions are put on hold at this point, but what about pride? She and Curtis were, just an hour ago, busy trying to figure the best way to get their collective asses out of a sling. What does THAT have to do with ensuring the Nation's safety?
-- Curtis the Interrogator? Of all the people that are given the task of interrogating Maryanne, they pick CURTIS? The dude that's had at least a short term physical relationship with her and is the one solely-responsible for bringing her into the CTU wing? Does that strike anyone else as daft?
-- MMMmm Hypocrisy: Maryanne is quick to levy the moniker of "sick bastards" when it's learned that one of her compatriots has been killed - yet the meltdown and eventual deaths of millions of people doesn't put a dent in that mocha-dome of hers. Would you like a hush puppy or two with your hypocrisy, Maryanne?
-- Rule of (Severed) Thumb: Maryanne says that the only way for the information on the PC at the office of the dead dude is to use either his thumbprint or hers. How about lobbing off the dudes thumb, bringing it to the ident-pad at the office and accessing the information? That way, Maryanne, who is clearly a significant threat, but also a very real source of information isn't put into harms way and won't lead the rest of the team into a trap or offer her a chance to escape?
-- Alleeee-oooop! For those of you wondering if Jack was really upside down, let me assure you that he is. :) I am also amazed that it's taken this long for him to get a headset of some kind for the phone that he's using. Surely there is a vendor out there that would like product placement on the man that is going to save the United States from nuclear destruction!
-- Retract the Rig? After Jack lands safely back on terra fira in the laudry room, he gives the command to "retract the rig". Why? Is he afraid that Navi will use the rig to try and escape? Doesn't want it mistaken for a coat hanger by the laundry staff? Nope: He probably wanted to be heard, right? Right! How hard would it have been to just leave the rig? If navi gets passed Jack, I'd like to see him try and escape thru the entourage that is above operating the pulley system.
-- Recurring Proximity Issues: Clearly, I am not a CTU operative with years of military training, nor am I in the basement laundry facility with a real-life terrorist that holds the potential solution to 5 more nuclear reactors going hot. I do know, however, that you should never get as close to a potential assailant pointing a gun at them as Jack did not once, but twice in this episode. How about shooting Navi in the leg to disable him, and thereby causing an injury that can have pressure applied to help "extract" information? How about telling him to turn around? How about popping off a shot over his shoulder when he doesn't do it? I mean it's only 5 nuclear reactors going critical at this point, right?
-- No Wounding Navi? Twice in this sequence, Jack has the real opportunity to wond Navi and doesn't do it. Why? While I understand the storyline calls for Behrooz to kills the father that intended to have he and his mother killed.
-- You've Got to Know When to Fold 'Em: The broken deal with Dina when Behrooz is rescued should be an instant deal-breaker in my opinion. I have high hopes that the trust factor with he will be minimized after this. The next move should be to put pressure on Behrooz' life to get the needed information that Dina clearly (as per Navi's concerns) has.
-- Maryanne "May" Be a Sociopath? Let's just be clear - Maryanne IS a sociopath! Check out this great profile and listing of traits that are indicative of people being sociopathic and you'll see what I mean.
-- Sarah Gets Back in the Saddle: Kudos for being Sarah being able to get back in the game when her country needs her most.
-- Fuzzy Wuzzy with 5 Nuclear Reactors Ready to Topple: Can there be a little less fuzzy wuzzy with Maryanne and more attention to the task at hand? The nukes are going to wait for someone's groove to be gotten.
-- Cover? How About Some Vests? During the extraction of Jack, Behrooz, and Dina, they are out in the wide open - and very susceptible to bullets from a sniper's rifle, just like the dude two hours ago. I'm not sure I understand the lack of care being provided to the only link to information that could help to finally recover the override.
-- Entering the Warehouse: Jack and Tony enter into an area that SCREAMS boobytrap: I am amazed that not only do they find the powercord leading to the basement, but that any of that information is still there and available. For people that have had operatives in the country for 5 years+, I find it difficult to understand why such an evidence orgy would be made available at this point. More on that below.
-- Where is the Insertion Team? The LA Law Enforcement Authorities need to take a page from the book that Jack and Tony are reading. Jack and Tony arrive at the warehouse and are COMPLETELY ALONE. Perhaps a copy of the script should be sent to the drivers and commanders of the insertion teams?
-- Cognitive Cornucopia: Whenever a room like the one displayed in the basement of the warehouse, I instantly call it the "Beautiful Mind" room. Rooms like this are the ones where not only are there a variety of pictures, magazine articles, computer print outs and memos shown, but they are there IN ORDER :) A friend had said that this might be part of a diversionary tactic on the part of the terrorists, but I am not yet ready to swallow that one. The organization of the room is disturbing in two ways: 1.) Either the terrorists were very thorough about their plans and ready for every contingency, or 2.) The special effects team of the show wen't a little overboard on details. The next couple of hours in the show will help us understand which is which.
-- All Roads Lead to the Stuffy Brit: If you didn't have hatred for the stuffy Brit at this point, prepare yourself. All the registration-related documents for the warehouse are all pointing to HIM! That's right! The man that can't love the tasty Secretary Daughter is in on it - or is he? According to this weeks trailer, a chair, some duct tape and live wires from the base of a lamp, we're going to find out next episode.
-- Audrey is On Her Way! Why is it, that the next reunion of the Assault Teams of the Greater Los Angeles area is not being held in Room 408 of the Westmore? I find it HIGHLY implausible that the Secretary wouldn't order all remaining available resources there, if not the Secret Service. After what his daughter had experienced just hours ago, why would he not do something like this?
-- Tony's "I Don't Know" Comment: I'm not sure how I still feel about this. At first I thought that it's time to write off Tony if he can't pick between a life of unemployed listlessness or a great exciting time back at CTU. I mean, how often would THAT come up? I'm happy to see him come back however. I would have liked to see a different rolling in of a previous character.
-- Y'all Come Back Now, Y'hear? I am gleefully surprised with the welcoming arms of Erin Driscoll when Tony arrives. I thought surely there would be tension there.
-- $arah and Getting What's Owed: Even almost a week later, I still am unsure of my feelings for Sarah using the experience of being wrongly tortured to secure better financial gain. I get the record being expunged - no problem there, but there's something not quite right about the pay raise (two full grades).
-- Disgustingly Awkward But Engaging: Audrey's discussion with Paul is SICKENINGLY awkward, but guys: I'm on the edge of my seat. That is the essence of "24" and why everyone should give the show a shot for at least a couple of episodes.
-- CounterStrike Office Building: I play a network computer game called "CounterStrike" and in it is a map called "Office". In that office area terrorists with hostages. The Counter Terrorist Unit has to storm the building and save the hostages. Now, call me crazy, but doesn't that building and that setting SCREAM boobytrap? Why is it that they have so FEW people going to that place? There have to be more available people to go there.
-- Oh Yeah - Maryanne Dying: As I was ready to publish this issue, I almost forgot: Maryanne dies. :) A "third party" arrives at the office building, accosts her and Curtis, and puts a double tap to her chest. She tumbles over like a short redwood, and the storyline moves over. Strange how little emotion it solicited. I think that's another of "24"'s hallmarks: The ability to take what would normally be the moment they'd want to raise the tension and excitement and play it almost a "matter of fact."
Don't Stand So Close to Me: Again, as we tick out for this episode, I am AMAZED that Jack allows Paul to stand so close to him, even after being knocked on his ass by Navi less than an hour earlier.
The trailer for next week looks outstanding and I can't wait to see what's to come!
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