Blow by Blow Review: "24" January 29th, 2005
For those that had any question about "24 turning into a slow show" because there was some semblance of romantic courtship in last week's "slow" episode, how's this for starting off a barnburner?
Without the interaction of our heroes, 104 Nuclear Plants will melt down!
The fuse is lit - the pyre begins to roll red with flame as we begin this edition of the "Blow by Blow Review of "24" ". Let's get to it.
-- Me Stuffy Brit Caveman, You Mine: I had one of the most hearty cackles in a long time when I see stuffy brit husband begin his descent into Caveman mentality in regard to Audrey. Just like I smelled something insidious with Maryann, there is something clearly afoot in the grinding gears of this man. Beware Jack, beware.
-- Look, She's Growing Scales: I can actually see the scales and layers of skin growing on Maryann, as we are continually made aware of her very bad intentions. She already had a snake-like feel when we met her but good gawd: I can actually see her tongue splitting into two distinct pieces. This is going to get at least as messy as the President's wife Sherry - it's just a matter of time.
-- More Classic Secretarian - Huzzah!: I'm not sure how much I have reiterated how much I already love the character of Secretary of State Heller, but he is brilliantly written and expertly executed with the acting of William Devane. The stuffy Brit decides to lean/cry on soon-to-be-ex-daddy's shoulder about Audrey, "She's breaking my hearrrrrt...." Mr. Secretary leans over and says "She's a big girl and she can do what she wants", followed by a small and almost insignificant pat on the back. Genius!
-- Steely Determination in the Face of Insurmountable Odds: Strangely, we're not talking about Jack, we're not talking about the heroic actions of anyone at CTU or the Secretary of State: We're talking about the BAD GUY, Navi, Behrooz' father. When they learn that Tariq, the in-house assassin has been killed by his son during his foiled execution, he says "we'll mourn him when this is over." This determination is a fine sample of what we as a nation face today when we think about the theater of Iraq and the goings-on there. Again, there are people that want nothing more than to make a point and die, while taking as many of us with them, while they do it. The actor that they have chosen here, Nestor Serrano is superb and very well cast. More on him later.
-- Behrooz Calls Mom?: After poisoning the girl he had any feeling for, I am amazed when after thwarting a murder attempt, Behrooz calls his Mother!? Thankfully, there is still some mother instinct left, and finally shows thru as this episode continues.
-- Women Really Are Just Articles: "Listen to me, woman", Navi gristles, teeth clinched. Sadly, the curtain is lowering on the wife/mother of Navi's child, as this episode winds it way forward. The ability to cast a veil of "property" on his wife is astonishing, but adds to the realism of the moment.
-- Passionate Thumbwrestling: Still not comfortable with showing outright affection, Audrey and Jack participate in the most fascinating version of "thumbwrestling" that I have ever been witness to on television. Again, an outstanding sample of showcasing love that is unable to show outright brilliance that still shines thru the attempts to subdue it.
-- Where the Hell is Caller ID When You Need It?: To my knowledge, every cell phone offers what is "caller ID" or even number ID, so that a person would know who or from what number a person is calling. During the touching digit-dance I refer to above, Audrey gets a phone call and it's the stuffy Brit soon-to-be-ex-husband -- AND SHE TAKES THE CALL!? Huh?
-- Hurrah! Filing for Divorce!: Audrey exclaims that it's over to the stuffy brit, and that she will be filing for divorce when she makes her way back to Washington: Everyone claps, right? Well, mostly -- the problem here is that she may have just suffered from her second bought with "Terminal Cliché'."
-- What a Tangled Web She Weaves: Maryann is apparently a master of the craft of subterfuge: Not only is she able to execute a covert operation to help foil the good guys during this series of episodes, she also plants seeds of doubt into everyone else's viewpoint of their own teammates.
-- There is Something to Be Said for Brilliant Casting: If I haven't provided a viewpoint to you that shows my admiration for the casting director of this show, then pay attention. In a move that only very few movies can claim, the leader, Madwan, the top dog, the cheese, the head honcho, is none other one of my favorite actors of all time, Arnold Vosloo! You guessed, it! Who other than "The High Priest Imotep" could provide you with total middle east intoxication? Again fantastic casting choice, and I hope that he will be around for a good long time to show us what will be even more brilliance.
-- Edgar is a Gem: Those of us in the technological field will be able to tell you: Edgar is not only a realistic representation of the "tech geek that makes everything ok" when the shit is going to hit the fan. Many times, they're able to do it with little or no intervention, even. I have a gentleman at work that has the "solution aura": Maybe you've experienced it as well. Here's the situation: There is a problem, no matter what YOU try, it doesn't work. You have your "tech geek" guy come over and just stand over your should so you can show them what you've been doing to solve the problem. Simply being in proximity to the problem, there suddenly is no problem and there is no record of it. Edgar is "24"'s version of the "Tech Geek" that somehow gets it done by being in proximity of technology.
-- Dobson Override Fix in 9 Minutes?: Boy, it was surely more dramatic, but Edgar solving the Dobson Override problem in 9 minutes of the episode? I am happy that not all of them came back and even MORE happy that more than "just one" wasn't left. Another salute to the hallmark of this show in that it always keeps you guessing, and most of the time -- ? You're WRONG.
-- What is "24?": I have had conversations with probably30 people in general - talking about our days, our work, what we do in our free time and when we get to TV and we begin the discussion of "24" they always come to the question: "What is 24?" The answer that you should use for this to corral even more viewership is this: It is a love story: not of Jack and his wife, or his current lover, but between Jack and what is "right". All of us have always imagined that what we did or do make a difference. This helps translate to interest and when you "get it" that there is much more than just the character interaction - you will be instantly hooked on "24".
-- Earth To Dina!: Clearly, Dina (Behrooz' mother) has to understand that not only is Behrooz handgun fodder when she picks him up, but so is she! I kept trying to think what she might want to do instead so that her son will live - driving to a police station, a military base, wrecking her car terribly - it was all running a million miles a minute in my head. Not sure I'm sold on her going to follow thru with the pick up, but we'll see where it takes us.
-- Can I Have a Side Order of Risperdal With That?: Uhh, I thought I had seen all of the bad or most terrible things happen in CTU HQ over the years. A bomb going off, people being killed, people taken hostage, people being interrogated to squelch answers to do good -- the list goes on. What I can't remotely understand is this: In the middle of what is arguably the most critical point in America's history in regard to terrorism, who's the jackass that has your schizophrenic daughter who has not had her medication in days brought to the center of this chaotic theater of operations?! The answer? The current head of CTU! Not only that but there's no LOCK ON THE DOOR? Excuse me, may I dial the handy man at CTU for you to install at least a BUNGIE CORD or something?
-- 3 Coins in the SDT Fountain: After three hours of "treatment" the Secretary's Son yields no information whatsoever. It's a crappy situation but well played, and very forthright. I have interest in seeing what the son was able to hide, because SURELY something is still locked inside.
-- Jack's Momentary Suspicious is a Good Bet: Jack has always had a process that he always has in mind when things happen. When Maryann calls instead of something else at CTU, he instantly questions it and understands - instantly - that something's up. Is jack suspicious of what's going on? You betcha' and that snaky vixen is going to get hers. Jack instantly understands that someone back at CTU is in and now the mission becomes clear: Find out who because they'll know infinitely more about what's going on.
-- And the Savior Award this Episode Goes To...: Tony Almeda! In a move that I had to rewind on my PVR to make sure I'd seen it right, in rollllls Tony! With guns blazing, he and Jack do away with the rest of the phreaks trying to kill he and Audrey and they sprint off to make their way back to CTU and some serious answers!
-- Office Space: I'm not sure about you, but I generally like to have some space when I work. People standing over me isn't usually an incentive to put on my best game, and I'm guessing it's not yours either. So how about this scenario: We've got one bloated donut-rider-tech-geek that can save the nation from Nuclear destruction. He's on a ridiculous time crunch. He's working away and hoping that he'll have time to review his set up for the ultimate field goal - review denied. Shut up and kick. Okie doke. So how about giving Edgar some ROOM folks? I mean he's only trying to disarm EVERY NUCLEAR REACTOR IN THE NATION! :)
And another episode comes to conclusion! Tune in next week, Jack Fans for more review of what is arguably one of the best programs on the planet!
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