The Ultimate Fighter United States V United Kingdom: Week 6
Show Viewing Date: 5-7-2009
Show Title: Ultimate Fighter United States V United Kingdom: Week 6
Network: SpikeHD
Reviewed By: Mike Wilkerson
The 9th season of Spike's "The Ultimate Fighter" is screaming by and we're 6 episodes in! This week provides us with another opportunity to see two fights, the answer to "where the hell was Bisping" last episode, and more sweet irony than you can swallow (and one of the fighters DOES!). It's another review of a satisfying series dedicated to mixed martial arts, it's fighters and the love of the TRULY SavageScience!
As with many of my online reviews, I'll be reviewing this episode in a "stream of consciousness" format, giving you essentially what I'm thinking as the show airs. I encourage everyone to send feedback in regard to any of the points below and let's use this opportunity as a rallying and sounding-off point as I begin this week's detailing of a sample of televised SavageScience:
-- Bisping standing alone to be grilled out his absence? As this episode starts, we see Bisping standing center circle and I'm ready to hear how he was fighting Yeti in the northern California frozen tundra! That he as fighting off wild wolves as he made his way back with the heaping carcass and only just got back and hey - here's YOUR yeti steakloin! Apparently I'm completely dreaming and wouldn't ever have the opportunity to see those things because he's not there to explain away his absence, he's just making the first fight announcement for this week's episode. I think that Dana and company really missed the opportunity to make sure that no one else in The Ultimate Fighter history, especially a coach, ever misses a fight.
Click here to read the rest of this Ultimate Fighter Review at SavageScience.Com!
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