Saturday, April 23, 2005

SWC3B - Exhaustion and the Legend of Fancicles

The main "oh my gawd" exhibit hall (only one of many here) closed at 7pm
on a Friday evening. I still don't understand this move but will bow to
the experience of those that create the shows here. Exhaustion quickly
(I've never been in a place where I actually didn't know where to start
my set in as did hunger and a need to check into our hotel that lay
about 10 min away from the convention center so we packed up the few
trinkets purchased, collected our personnel and decided to go get some
grub and some needed rest.

As we began our retreat to the van, the skies that had threatened began
to unleash their fury on our young merry band of padawan learners. I
vilounteered to run to the van and while I made great time I also took a
second shower for the day - I was drenched. After reaching the van and
sqeegee-ing off about 7 extra pounds I went to collect the crew. What
we also witnessed was something of legend the likes of which have never
been seen ineven the Lord of the Rings novels. I like to call them
Fancicles. The weather here in Indianapolis is approximately 7 degrees
and sheet rain. In this the Fancicles have taken root in an effort to
see their beloved George Lucas who will be holding 3 30 minute
discussions this morning before he leaves. Now understand: the events
start at 8:30 am TOMORROW. There is sheet rain as we pass by and there
are at least 100 people in all varying forms of prottection waiting in
line. My firends, you now know the Legend of the Fancicle.
--cptmike via sidekick


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