Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Movies that Veterans Love...

A day that every American should remember arrives today, the 11th day of the 11th month of every year. It echoes in perpetuity, providing all of us in the US with a continued wall of integrity, protection and honor via the many calls to duty that have been answered for hundreds of years.

Today is Veterans Day.

Have you taken the time out of your day to thank any of the many that have served? We here at Screen Rant wish to thank each and every man and woman that has given their time and often times their lives to ensure a more perfect union. Last year we had one of the most active threads in Screen Rant history, sharing the many great War/Military movies that dance in our memories this time of year. This year, we thought that instead of getting a similarly compiled, all-too-familiar list, we’d ask those who have served to share a listing of “The Movies that Veterans Love.”

Click here to read the rest of this article at ScreenRant.Com now...


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