Sunday, April 30, 2006

Continued Media Misleads...

One of the things I harp on regularly with our podcast/Internet Radio show, is the continued and growing instances of something that just sets my temples ablaze. On the front page of (insert a website you view - in this case it was) CNN, there is a top headline link that reads "2 suspected terrorists killed in Iraq". Ok, gotcha, so we've killed more known terrorists, ok, and this is solid and provides hope that perhaps there is something beneficial going on over in Iraw, right?

Until you CLICK THE LINK, there is that hope.Then as you enter into the article, you have - of course, an even larger headline stating something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than what the fishing line on the front had. Inside the front of the article it says: "Three security contractors killed by roadside bomb."

Click here to

Mayan Adventures - Follow Up...

Just before August last year, I enterted into a program of health and fitness with a virtual trainer, Maya, via a program called YourselfFitness I found featured online here, that I totally recommend. Not only am I recommending it (based on a total combined weight loss and cholesterol dropping in general), but now McDonalds is recommending it on all of their bags and via their website!

It's been a great program for me, and while I am nowhere near my 4 times a week planned schedule, Maya was able to give me what I needed for the time she and I had. Again, I totally recommend the YourselfFitness Progam - it is the flexible based-on-your-own-initiative program that many people need. When you factor in the online community nature that this program has taken, anyone that is online a bunch can benefit exponentially from it.

Enjoy and please tap me if you have questions!